This event has ended, Thank you for participating. See you in 2024.

4 – 6 October 2024
Live Stream
Friday 4 Oct 6PM
Entries Open
9 – 30 September 2024
We are proud to announce our 5th annual 48 Hour Film Race, presented by Garden Route Media.
We call on all filmmakers to come and join this event and have an epic weekend.
You will have 48 hours to script, plan, film, edit and deliver your short film. The kick-off event will be streamed live via Facebook and YouTube on Friday 4th October at 6PM where we will give some last-minute tips and announce the start of the event. The genre, prop and line of dialogue will be sent to teams / individuals via email at 7 PM.
Murder mystery – Who done it?
Dark Comedy
Mystery – Strange things
Suspense Thriller
Mask / Masker
Wrench / Spanner
Frying Pan / Braaipan
Dice / Dobbelstene
Shoe / s / Skoen / e
Trophy / Trofee
Toolbox / Gereedskapskas
Shovel / Graaf
Bicycle Pump / Fietspomp
Till Slip / Kasier Strokie
Rock or Brick / Klip of Baksteen
Mushroom / Sampioen
Toilet paper / Toilet papier
Hairdryer / Haardroër
Bat or Racket or Golf Club / Kolf of Raket of Golfstok
Line of Dialogue
En toe val ek alweer / And then I fell again
Die tyd was maar altyd te min / Time was never enough
Wat het ek gedoen om dit te verdien? / What did I do to deserve this?
Die donker het oor ons gekom / Then there was darkness
Gebruik die skerp kant / Use the pointy end
Ek het probeer om te stop maar dit was te laat / I tried to stop but it was too late
En hulle was nooit weer dieselfde nie / And they were never the same again
Dis wat sy gesê het / That’s what she said
Dit kan nie wees wat ek dink dit is nie / It cannot be what I think it is
Om nerens te kom neem te veel tyd / Going nowhere takes too much time
Een plus een is…drie? / One and one makes…three?
Nog net een stoot / Just one more push
Is dit veronderstel om daardie geluid te maak? / Is it supposed to make that noise?
Jy’t die regte ding gesê op die verkeerdste tyd / You said the right thing at the worst time
Weer? Hoekom Weer? / Again? Why again?
Ek dink daar’s iets op jou skouer / I think there’s something on your shoulder
Nog net een tree / Just one more step
Dis nie hoe n sirkel lyk nie / That’s not what a circle looks like
Ek het ‘n sekonde oor gehad / I had a second to spare
Dit klink makliker as wat dit lyk / It sounds easier than it looks
Die lewe was van hom/haar onteem / He/She was deprived of life
A team may consist of up to three crew members. In addition, you will be allowed to use a maximum of three actors.
Now Available !!
A team may consist of up to three crew members. In addition, you will be allowed to use a maximum of three actors.
A team may consist of up to three crew members. In addition, you will be allowed to use a maximum of three actors.

You are fairly new to the art of filmmaking and you are doing it as a hobby. You are probably more concerned about your phone’s video quality than you are about the quality of the calls. Your dream is to become a successful Youtuber.
Entry: Free

You earn a part-time income doing video productions. You are probably tired of friends always asking for a good deal on their wedding videos. You aspire to make a full-time living making videos.
Entry: R100

You earn a full time living by working in the production industry. You probably have dark circles under your eyes and you drive around with gear that is worth more than the car itself.
Entry: R200
Choose from the following three categories. Within these categories, we will give recognition to individuals who excel in scriptwriting, filming, editing, and audio mixing. Teams are limited to a maximum of three members so you are going to have to multitask.

You are fairly new to the art of filmmaking and you are doing it as a hobby. You are probably more concerned about your phone’s video quality than you are about the quality of the calls. Your dream is to become a successful Youtuber.
You are only allowed to use a mobile phone for filming and only use natural or existing light. You may use a microphone that is plugged into the phone. You are not allowed to use any type of grips other than a tripod. Editing can be done on the phone, a tablet, or a PC. You can ONLY use royalty-free music and SFX.
Entry: Free

You earn a part-time income doing video productions. You are probably tired of friends always asking for a good deal on their wedding videos. You aspire to make a full-time living making videos.
You are allowed to film with a DSLR or consumer-level handy cam. You are allowed to record audio with any type of microphone but recording must be done directly onto the camera while you shoot video. You are allowed to use lights, a tripod and a gimbal. NO DRONE footage allowed. You can edit on any device, but you are not allowed to make use of any visual effects that do not come standard with the editing program that you decide to use. You can ONLY use royalty-free music and SFX.
Entry: R150

You earn a full time living by working in the production industry. You probably have dark circles under your eyes and you drive around with gear that is worth more than the car itself.
For this category, it is pretty much open season. You can shoot on any camera and use any grips, audio gear, and lighting. There is no limit on editing and visual effects. You are allowed to use a drone but ONLY if you can legally fly within CAA drone rules. You are only allowed to use royalty-free music or music that is licensed to use for this event. Proof of license will be required.
Entry: R300

Entries Can Only Be Done Online
Film Race
086 006 1070
Find us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube